Many have heard mention of the “Well done my good and faithful servant” statement that will hopefully come from the Lord once we transition from a successful journey on the earth into the heavenly realm. We all probably want the Lord to be pleased with our lives; to be content with our earthly offering.
In my years of researching Heaven, I have encountered modern-day revelators, individuals/seers who have traveled to Heaven like the Apostle John in the book of Revelations. One such seer, Kat Kerr, shares in a YouTube interview, that the Lord will ask us very specifically, “Have you loved your family well? I picked them just for you and placed them with you so you would love them.”

Photo by Stefan Lorentz on
Have you loved your family well? How will you answer that question when it is posed to you by the King of kings and the Lord of lords? Will you stumble over your answer? Will you shift your eyes away from His penetrating gaze? You cannot lie in His presence. He. Sees All.
Let’s reflect on our words and actions. Do we affirm and support with our words? Regularly? All the time? Not just once a month…once a year…once a decade. When our loved ones think of us, are they thinking pleasant thoughts? If not, there is time to make the needed adjustment in our attitude. Why be mean and unkind to people? Oh, because they are mean and unkind to us? Since when did Jesus do to others what was done to Him? Hmmm? Hmmm? That’s right. Never. Even on the cross, He cried out to Father God to forgive them for they know not what they do.
Now don’t misunderstand the point. We do not have to join with darkness nor partner with foolishness but we can still love people and be kind to our loved ones through the barren places in their journey. Being kind doesn’t mean you support poor choices in the lives of others. Kindness is simply showing people the heart of God.
Colin 🙂
1 Comment
gamefly · May 3, 2019 at 6:39 am
Informative article, just what I needed.