Feeling anxious? Are you biting your nails due to anxiety about this global health crisis we are facing? Unsure about tomorrow? Can’t find bread and toilet tissue?
Anyone who has been to local markets and grocery stores sees that Corona Panic is a real phenomenon. This virus is not a conspiracy, folks. My close friend works as an ICU nurse in Northern California. She reports that it’s tragic, “It’s crazy getting supplies… it feels like a third world…” Bee is on the frontlines but says it’s important that we remain calm and take the necessary precautions; including washing hands frequently, social distancing, and even sheltering in place.
Additionally, let’s try to avoid ‘vegging’ out on toxic tv and messy social media. The reason is simple. We become what we consume. If we are watching toxicity and playing with poison, we will become infected; thereby inviting this noxious slime into our souls.

Yes, this happens. Think about times when you were hanging around someone and unconsciously began to use their terminology or unwittingly began to copy some of their traits. You weren’t mimicking…but were merely reflecting your surroundings. The same thing applies to what we watch, listen to, and engage in. Entertaining negativity is problematic. Before you know it your thoughts will shift, your speech may change, your patience will diminish, your joy may be compromised, and then your fear will be elevated. It’s a slippery slope to a malcontent spirit. Beware…be aware of your ingestion of ‘stuff’ for you want to avoid a corrupt environment. Protect your peace during this season of sheltering in place.
In fact, I’m working on turning this sheltering season into a growing season. Won’t you join me? 🙂
Stay safe and love well,
Colin 🙂