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Fifty years ago, Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. The nation was not ready for the changes his activism supported. The gaining of civil rights for an American underclass was scary to the societal upperclass. To see a marginalized group of people with a legal ability to achieve to the same degree was upsetting for many. Why?

Could it be that as long as we (as a people in a Christian nation) are doing well, we don’t care how others are getting along? Could it be that we like ‘kicking others’ while they are down? Could it be that we are not as kind and altruistic as we would have others believe we are? Do a bible test on yourself, America. The Word shares that it is easy to be nice to those that we like; even the God-less do that. The Passion translation of Luke chapter 6:31 tells us, “However you wish to be treated by others is how you should treat everyone else.” Whassup, America?!

Reflection is key. Even if you were not alive during the Civil Rights era, reflect on the workings of your heart. How do you feel about others that excel beyond you? Does it bother you? Be honest. Do you have to be the brightest bulb in the socket? Must you be the most beautiful belle of the ball? The presence of another’s light doesn’t diminish your shine.

Newsflash!! We still have value when others are excelling in life. We are still worthy; even when others are also worthy. We can all have a slice of the pie. Furthermore, we must not begrudge others whose slice may be a little bigger or a different shape. Learn to operate in HIS grace for your life. It is sufficient for the race we are running.

So we can all learn from Dr. King’s sacrifice. He knew that promoting change in a world that didn’t want change was a dangerous undertaking. The weight of the world and the safety of his family was on his shoulders as he stepped out of his home every day. But he persevered. Despite the danger. Despite the threats. Despite the attempts to silence the movement. Thank you, Dr. King! 🙂


Categories: Just Me...


Karina Castorena · May 21, 2018 at 10:47 pm

Every time I see someone doing better than me there will be a little bitterness but I do not let it consume me. I congratulate them and push them to continue being successful. When I see them and think to myself “if they can do it so can I.” There’s no room for jealously or to envy people. The world is already so hateful so all we need to do is support and love one another. That is exactly what Dr. King was doing for us. Despite the downs he was facing he still helped us move a little forward.

Zachary Rawe · May 17, 2018 at 12:20 pm

The times of MLK Jr were historic, to say the least. It was not in my time, but I can understand the struggle for the lower class to speak out to have a say in the right to live life by freedom under the United States. Presently, the saying “However you wish to be treated by others is how you should treat everyone else” has always been in my mind like implanted by my parents proving to me that I can be the change that I would want onto myself. RIP MLK Jr for life!

Kris · May 17, 2018 at 10:48 am

It’s obvious we don’t live in a world where everyone gets along. In my perfect world, I wish we did. As a parent, I want to teach my daughters that there’s no hate, but in this lifetime we have “haters.” We should applaud others success. But America makes that do damn hard. I mean you see it everywhere. Everyone should be commended. I am a great believer that your intentions on others will be their intentions on you. Treat others like you would like to be treated. Envying someone for what they post on social media is not healthy, because it might be bright and beautiful at the moment, but in the background, they might be having the same struggles as you. Good intension come from golden hearts. In a perfect life, everyone would have a golden heart, but we don’t live an ideal life, haters are everywhere. I applauded success upon everyone because there’s nothing more beautiful than seeing someone come up in life.

Mariah · May 17, 2018 at 7:05 am

I would say that its a little of all, everyone whether they know it, they don’t or just won’t admit it. Everyone has been a little jealous of something someone had or even what someone achieved because we wish to be in their shoes. Life is starting to become hard and when we were struggling for so long to do or get what others have seen someone else gets that it is upsetting and when your upset is when you do things you shouldn’t like talking down on people. Instead, uplift people and maybe you will rise with them cause as you stated: “WE CAN ALL HAVE A SLICE OF THE PIE!!!”

Jose Tornez · May 16, 2018 at 7:42 pm

“You should treat others how you want to be treated” YES INDEED! No matter what skin color, no matter what race you are we are all born equal no one else is more superior than the other and we should not think like that! We are all brothers and sisters in this planet and no matter what we should help each other improve not down one another!

Megan · May 14, 2018 at 9:19 pm

“The presence of another’s light doesn’t diminish your shine.” Super important!

Grecia Magana · May 14, 2018 at 4:36 pm

Martin Luther King Jr. was the greatest man to live. He used his voice to fight for wht is right. He did so much us, as the people shoud not hate its not good for the heart. Being equal is all we want. To be FAIR. This point of time the truth of america is coming into the light. Let this happen and we should start once more to create peace with one another. Not have so much hate and anger towards one another think of the consequences and recieve justice. Be loving to one another because you have no reason to hate and despice if they didnt hurt you. MLK Jr. did so much that we just choose to look past it and act it didnt happen. That man changed america forever in the best way.

priscilla · May 10, 2018 at 3:50 pm

I Don’t like talking about this because I like to believe he had amazing intentions for his people and always understood his people so I don’t get why people wanted to harm him when he had great intentions.

Christian Cruz · May 10, 2018 at 3:27 pm

” We can all have a slice of the pie!” I agree, many people believe that when someone else is living a better life or being more successful, it makes then feel like they are doing much less. And I am guilty of that also. I have become a stronger minded person into realizing personal success is the most important.

priscilla · May 10, 2018 at 3:23 pm

Personally i have felt that feeling of jealousy or animosity towards someone who is doing better than me, i can’t lie. Then i thought to myself if they can do it i can do it, and if i can’t do it as well as them then props to them. I learned instead of being jealous its okay to admire someone or look up to them and hey even ask them how they got to where they are. Comparing yourself to others is never the answer.

Manuel Payan · May 10, 2018 at 2:59 pm

It shouldn’t matter what race or how you look to be judge Martin Luther King Jr. fought for us colored peoples rights

Sandra Leonhardt · May 10, 2018 at 2:37 pm

This piece is written brilliantly. Its is true to always use the golden rule. “treat others the way you want to be treated”

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