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A few years ago, I was multi-tasking. I was straightening up my bedroom, reading a romance novel and had Pastor Jamal Bryant’s television broadcast playing in the background. He said something so provoking that I was immediately snatched out of the romance and tuned in to his message. This man of wisdom stated, “Don’t share your dreams with unimaginative people. You are in HD and they are in VHS.” At that moment I put the duster down, put a bookmark at the appropriate page in my romance novel, grabbed my notepad and started taking notes. Pastor Bryant had something to say and I was avidly listening! 😉

For any youngsters that may not be familiar with VHS cassettes, it stands for Video Home System. It was developed and placed on the market in the 1970s to be used by home consumers. The picture clarity was often grainy with average resolution but the viewer was satisfied because nothing better was available. These cassettes were highly competitive in the 1980s and early 1990s but were phased out when the popular DVD technology was introduced.

In the twenty-first century, society enjoys streaming on HD televisions. This is high definition and offers an enhanced resolution with keen sharpness and focused detail. This picture is so much clearer than the VHS visual. It is like needing glasses and watching a program vs wearing glasses and watching the program. The images are much sharper; the detail is much more enhanced. Think of the last time you were looking at a cloudy mirror. When you ‘windexed’ that mirror, it became a clearer reflection.


Unimaginative people don’t dream outside of the box. They do what they are allowed. Many are afraid of failure so they let things happen. As a result, they are often subject to the decisions and behaviors of others. They’d rather ask permission than ask forgiveness. I used to be this person. I was so afraid of making a mistake that I didn’t color outside of the lines of life. I wanted safety more than I wanted freedom.

Imaginative people are dreamers. Dreamers make things happen. They color outside of the lines of possibility. There are some failures, yes. But there are often huge successes. Folks that live in HD are experiencing life in meaningful ways. They are laying it all ‘out on the line’ and will be empty when their journey in this earth-realm is done.

Have you ever shared your vision with someone and it was shot down? How did that make you feel? Discouraged, I bet. Today’s generation calls those types of individuals ‘haters’ but I think these folk are simply fearful. Safety equates to success for some people…especially people who have been hurt by life.

Is this you? Or maybe someone you know? Been hurt and now you don’t want to live big? Even though your dreams may have been compromised by the circumstances of life; this should not cause you to inhibit the dreams of others. Let people dream in HD. Don’t let the grainy image of your expectations impact those around you. Shut your mouth unless you are asked an opinion about a specific path. Share your experience without discouraging the journey of others.

The HD people are the game changers that you see around you. The extreme people. They love to the extreme. They dream to the extreme. They build to the extreme. They create to the extreme. They have the ability to make lemons out of lemonade-without complaint. Complaining takes too much energy. They simply do it. Like Nike. The HD folk are entrepreneurs that build unapologetically and then teach others how to duplicate their success. They lift as they climb. You know them; you see them; you are them. For those that are living life out loud and coloring outside the lines…keep coloring in HD. 🙂





Karina Castorena · May 17, 2018 at 1:29 pm

I have been faced to faced with people who shot down my dream. They told me it would never happen, or that I’m not thinking straight. It got to me sometimes but it did not consume me and my dreams. I feel like it only made me want to push forward. I see myself more like an HD person who always takes the extra mile. I tend to make things more than they already are because I believe you can do more than just one simple thing. Going above and beyond doesn’t hurt, at least you can say you tried. I also like to lift others and help their success because we need more people than just one. You won’t always be successful if you don’t help those around you. You can’t lose sight of the bigger picture. The picture is big enough for more people to stand side by side and be successful together.

Zachary Rawe · May 17, 2018 at 11:37 am

Time of the VHS was an imprint in the age of new technology for the mainstream. I remember having a CLOSET full of VHS cassettes. Now being in the digital age, Media is offered in the form of memory and compression to give off a better quality VHS could ever achieve. What a time to be alive with VHS players. HD>VHS
Team Quantum!

kris · May 17, 2018 at 10:16 am

Yup, I can relate to this, I have been VHS my entire life. And I am not proud of it. I live afraid of life, and sadly I didn’t realize it until the age of thirty! Why did it take me so long, I was scared of life. When I was young, my youngest sibling would tell me that I live in a porcelain house and I didn’t know what life was. I never really understood him until I got older. I have always been afraid of failure. Even applying for a car loan scared me. I never colored outside the lines because I was fearful of denial. But denial from who? And I knew this my entire life. As each generation changed with time, I saw my little cousin’s growing up and taking a risk that I would never image taking. For example, my twenty-two-year-old cousin started making road trips to a different part of the country like nothing. Shes has seen more places and gone more places than I have in my entire life. I was always scared of getting lost and not being able to find my way back home (even though I have had a phone) Now I have only been living for the past two years. At the age of thirty-one, I enrolled back in school, I have traveled, and I am taking swimming lessons this summer because I don’t know how to swim. I never understood the phrase “it’s never too late” until now. I might not learn to swim this summer, but I will. It might take me longer than most to graduate, but I will. Now I know Its never too late to start living HD style.

Jocelyn · May 16, 2018 at 7:36 pm

I love this!!!!! Yes we should live a happy life full of adventure and no regrets. Don’t let other people hold you back live the life you think is best for you.

Kennia Ortega · May 16, 2018 at 6:28 pm

This was a great post. I agree with what you mentioned about if your opinion wasn’t asked for don’t give it. Also if it’s not positive keep it to yourself. People tend to speak too much about something that has nothing to do with them and they tend to trash talk about it and it’s not needed.

ricardo pena · May 16, 2018 at 6:18 pm

Pastor Bryant quote really opened my eyes when it comes to sharing any sort of ideas or thoughts with just anyone. I need to pick and choose who I share my ideas with especially if its something I’m trying to purse. For example my career, I need all the positive energy around me, none of this negative vibe near me.

Grecia Magana · May 14, 2018 at 4:24 pm

I agree. many people are too scared to stand out to be themselves. the freedom you get from this is like nothing before. Thinking like black and white isn’t so great because you follow rules and stay stuck just to be “safe”. Being a dreamer makes you unstoppable and create the best things you love to do. To breath and not be so paranoid and hopeless. You truly become yourself and give a nice big hug to yourself. Welcome your ideas and be free.

priscilla · May 10, 2018 at 3:42 pm

Hi -Def or VHS? I’ve lived in both and enjoyed both but I really like the Hi-Def because the picturing is way better than the VHS only because VHS you cant rewind.

Anissa · May 10, 2018 at 3:18 pm

I really like this post, it tells a story on how to become a dreamer and someone who thinks outside the box. Listen, learn, respond. Tell positive stories and encourage people to look on a bigger picture.

priscilla · May 10, 2018 at 3:16 pm

I 100% agree with this post! Not everybody thinks the same as the next person, everybody has different dreams and aspirations.I think its important that everybody respects eachother’s dreams even if they don’t completely agree and offer a sense of encouragement. But, if not that’s okay to because you are you and that what makes you unique.

Jacky · May 10, 2018 at 3:13 pm

Wow! Reading your post made me realize a lot of things. I’m happy that i got to read your post because you’re so right.

Christian cruz · May 10, 2018 at 3:04 pm

Exactly! I’ve encountered many people that have laughed or said I wouldn’t be capable of accomplishing my imaginative goals. Truth be told, it did bring my hopes down but living the HD life is my mojo.

Favi · May 10, 2018 at 3:04 pm

This was a good post I liked the part where you say even though your dreams may have been compromised by the circumstances of life; this should not cause you to inhibit the dreams of others

Mariah · May 10, 2018 at 3:01 pm

Wow the quote stated by Jamal was a good example for people who need a push to dream bigger and dream with people who believe that one day they can accomplish that dream.

Manuel Payan · May 10, 2018 at 2:44 pm

Great topic

Mayra Gonzalez · May 10, 2018 at 2:43 pm

This article was an eye opener. There are people out in the world that are stuck in fear. I used to be like that. I was afraid of taking risks and making big decisions that can effect my life whether it was negative or positive. Now that I have experienced more the world has to offer, I am less fearless. I can now spot those people who are stuck in VHS. Although I don’t judge them because I used to be like them, I hope one day they are able to upgrade into HD.

    admin · May 10, 2018 at 4:57 pm

    Thanks for your transparency, Mayra! It’s awesome to be in a space where you are less fearful about living life, huh? I love that statement, “Upgrade into HD”. 😉

Sean Granados · May 10, 2018 at 2:35 pm

Fantastic post! This really made me think more deeply about sharing my ideas with other. Great metaphors as well! 🙂

Megan · May 10, 2018 at 2:31 pm

Great words! My mother always tells me, ” Don’t cast your pearls before swine.” Swine don’t understand the importance of pearls, therefore they won’t treat them accordingly.

Micah · May 9, 2018 at 11:34 am

Wow great post!

Alice Quinn · May 8, 2018 at 9:34 am

AWESOME word! Needed to hear this.

    admin · May 8, 2018 at 11:30 am

    So glad it blessed you, Alice!

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