Our Heavenly Father loves us. HE loves us so much that HE wants us to return to Him in Heaven. HE wants us to be redeemed back to Him. His love is big enough to include every single person ever created…no matter where-no matter what-no matter whom. Yes. His love is just that all-encompassing and so incredibly overflowing.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that HE gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.
As a demonstration of His love, HE provided a plan of redemption…a way for us to make our way back to Him in this world and the world to come. The way is foolproof. The way is fail-proof. The way is fireproof. The way is Jesus.

Ask the Lord for confirmation of this truth. Shut out the noise of the world. Re-align your soul to its highest purpose: communion with the Father. This beautiful connection will lead you to His Son. Jesus. Don’t be tricked out of your ultimate destiny. Jesus. Don’t be bamboozled out of your supreme reward. Jesus. He’s not a myth. Call on Him. He’s not a fable. Lean on him.
Yes, through the centuries, atrocities have been committed in His name. This makes those victimizers wrong…their actions awful…but Jesus is still all the way right. Those people who have misused and abused others in His name will have their just desserts. Pray for mercy on their soul. But I implore you, don’t turn your back on the greatest gift our Heavenly Father has ever given. It was provided at an incredible cost. Ask Him into your life. Welcome his uncompromising love into your heart. Do not delay.
Always Love,
Colin 💨❤️❤️❤️
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